Saturday, July 12, 2014


Why didn't you tell me writing was so hard?

Everybody thinks it's so easy to just put words on a page. Well, it is not! I am doing my best to write as much as I can. I am determined to finish this book. Every since the 3rd grade, I wanted to publish a book. I wrote a Halloween story first. Then, I wrote my first book while the substitute was in the classroom. It was called THE TRADER. I had a cover and all. Oh, how I would give to find that book! Then in the 7th grade, I wrote a screenplay. My fascination with the written word grew stronger. In high school, I wrote a winning essay that was published in the local paper. When I saw my name in print, I knew that was a feeling I wanted to have forever.

I know what one of  my callings is,writing. I pledge to have my name on a book in a bookstore and eBook near you. If putting words down were easy, I would have written 100 books by now because I have a lot of stories. But, I am going to take my time and a nurture this book until giving birth.....

I charge you to follow your dreams. Where will your name be?




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