Saturday, July 12, 2014


Why didn't you tell me writing was so hard?

Everybody thinks it's so easy to just put words on a page. Well, it is not! I am doing my best to write as much as I can. I am determined to finish this book. Every since the 3rd grade, I wanted to publish a book. I wrote a Halloween story first. Then, I wrote my first book while the substitute was in the classroom. It was called THE TRADER. I had a cover and all. Oh, how I would give to find that book! Then in the 7th grade, I wrote a screenplay. My fascination with the written word grew stronger. In high school, I wrote a winning essay that was published in the local paper. When I saw my name in print, I knew that was a feeling I wanted to have forever.

I know what one of  my callings is,writing. I pledge to have my name on a book in a bookstore and eBook near you. If putting words down were easy, I would have written 100 books by now because I have a lot of stories. But, I am going to take my time and a nurture this book until giving birth.....

I charge you to follow your dreams. Where will your name be?




Friday, May 2, 2014

Novel by B. LaShera Glaze

Starting January 2014, I vowed to start writing my novel. I have devoted a number of hours to the practice. I have found that writing is hard and tedious. However, what I like about writing is writing dialogue. I enjoy talking out loud and thinking of life changing words for my characters.
My favorite character thus far is Robbie Lee Ann Royal. She is sassy, bold, and confident. She tells all her business to a trusted friend. Loved by men and hated by women but one. Her trusted friend understands her. Could it be because she once was her or that her stories are interesting? I'm still searching for the answer.
I plan to post videos of my progress from this long process.
Pray for me,
I'm looking to take some writing classes from and You should too if you looking for a strong writing community.